
Welome to Hair extensions – start to finish

Welcome to hair extensions, an exclusive realm of hair additions. Hair extensions are a fantastic way to achieve the hairstyle you’ve wanted your whole life. Look like a star with this hot celebrity fashion trend!

Welcome to hair extensions; they will help add volume, increased length, or even add highlights and colour to your hair. The strand by strand systems is indeed amazingly long-lasting and comfortable to wear.

I hope to answer your questions and show you some insight into this beautiful way to have gorgeous, healthy hair that can help you.



The home of hair extensions systems by Betty Bizzarre

The home of hair extensions systems by Betty Bizzarre. These are strand by strand methods that add fullness, color, and length to your hair, therefore, cresting texture. 

There are lots of ways to achieve hair length and fullness through adding hair. These include sewing, clipping, gluing, tubing, taping, linking, braiding, and numerous others.

Today our preferred method is the micro linking or cold fusion hair extension methods.

Strand by strand hair extension systems have become popular because of the painless, non-surgical procedure of achieving long fuller hair without damage to the client’s hair, and could provide long-lasting results of up to 5 to 6 months.

You might consider this method for the best results if your wish is to have a more natural look.



The best hair extensions.

For the best hair extensions, we use the purest quality, 100%, Remy Indian Human Hair, at the absolute best price!

Our human hair strands are handcrafted fresh and healthy. The strands are preciously colour to any shade, then processed in a ‘double drawn’ method ready for installation. *(no animal hair or synthetic content).

Our specialized installation techniques guarantee long-lasting results.  

Ensuring proper care and maintenance is provided. 

The strand by strand systems feels and moves naturally with free-flow movement.



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